Was up at Barry's house again last thursday. Just me, Dorgan and himself. Damien was being odd. What's so hard about coming up to a friend's house to do feck all? It was a very sociable night. At one stage we were all sitting in silence texting various other people. Ah no but it was nice to just chill out. Bar had rented Gran Torino and we had planned on watching it but the time just flew by once we went on youtube. I saw Gran Torino a few weeks ago anyway. Brilliant movie. I urge you to watch it. So ya, we watched youtube for like 2 hours on Barry's mac. It's one of those all in one things. Basically a flat screen tv with a mouse and keyboard. Very snazzy. Em let's see we watched stuff from failblog, prank calls, that video of someone from the Ray Darcy show cycling through Ballincollig with a christmas tree behind him and my personal favourite of the night http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC5vmnnj8l4 . Saw that on the legendary Ray Foley's blog. Just looks like they had such a laugh making it. We decided to perform the routine at some stage when we're out.
So we were driving home about 1ish on the small dark country road. I was in the passenger seat and just happened to notice something poking its head out of the ditch. It was a badger. And before we knew it, he had decided to run out in front of the car. Nothing we could have done really. Honestly, he was so big he might only have been knocked out by it coz there wasn't a hair out of place on him as far as I could see. I found a chunk of plastic beside the car, but like when you're building furniture or something at home and there's pieces left over you assume they can't be very important, we took a quick look at the car and saw nothing missing so we left it there. On closer inspection outside my house, the piece was indeed from the front of the car. Not very noticeable though.
What's the story?
3 years ago
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