Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Very Superstitious

Forgot to post this during the week so I'll give a quick sum up of the past week. Got attacked by a giant spider at work. Broke a mirror the same day. Well technically it only cracked along a line, does that still count as 7 years bad luck? Answers on a postcard please. Liverpool lost to Chelsea. My bad luck is the only explanation I can come up with. Went to Gorby's tuesday night. Turned out to be one of my favourite nights out of all time. Can't explain it. I was still buzzin the next mornin. Bouncin and dancin and singing all over my room. Just in great form really. I swear, someone should hide a camera in my room, it would provide some comedy gold.
Went out again thursday after a HR exam in the mornin which went okay i think, and then a day's shopping. I was carrying 4 bags while texting (yes I can multi-task) as I got on the bus home. Made a prat of myself coz I was hittin all the old people up the front in their faces with the bags. Where did I go that night you ask? Gorbys again of course. Vanessa loves the place more than me, I can't say no to her. It was jammers tho. Couldn't even move. Its been like that every thursday, it has to be sorted out. Left there about 1ish. After a quick visit to burger king I got a taxi home alone since Dorgan decided to cycle to town. Taxi driver was a lovely chap though. Had a good little chat.
Went up to Barry's house friday night since he's on his own for 3 weeks. Dorgan's parents drove us up. The house is on a steep hill in the middle of nowhere. It's pitch black with no street lights. The car stalled 3 times going up the hill and there was a car behind us. The clutch got destroyed. There was smoke coming out of the car. I was in stitches but I was tryin not to let his mom see me laugh. She was not amused. Ate a load of junk, so much for my new healthy living. Watched Knocked up on DVD. I fell asleep on the couch for a while during it. Damien smacked my head to wake me up, to which I replied with a backhand that bust open his lip. It was a complete accident. Funny though.
Went to my grandparents house saturday night for a joint birthday party for my nan and uncle. As the adults talked in the kitchen, the young people sat watching the Ireland game in the other room. I fell asleep on the couch. Notice a pattern? Why oh why could Ireland not just have stayed awake another 5 minutes and won the thing?
Sunday went by too quick for my liking. I appear to have done nothing. I watched both X Factor shows. Delighted that Olly, Joe and Stacey got through. Danyl and the twins annoy the hell out of me. Kandy Rain are no loss really.

So that's it. Toodles

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