Monday, October 5, 2009

A Washout

Thursday was a bit of a washout. I arrived at work at 5 and Adrian asked me to finish off a few boxes of the delivery since he was going on break. No problem at all. Along comes our fearless leader and demands to know what on earth I think I'm doing. Apparently helping to get work done is a big no no. I was sentenced to a night on the tills. I was informed that we had no tenners or twenties in the safe, only fives. It's a pity that everyone decided to pay for small items with €50 notes. So i spent the night counting out massive amounts of change in small bills. Speaking of giving change, I noticed a woman wasn't going away when I gave her her bag, she said I didn't give her any change. Now I distinctly remember taking it out of my till but I gave her the €6 anyway. (Low and behold, I checked the next day and my till was down €6. She must have been chancing her arm)

So from work I went to the Freshers Ball in Cubins. I'm not a fan of the place and they don't seem to like me either but amazingly I got in. We decided to have a look at the foam party. God only knows what they put in that foam. It must have been a combination of washing up liquid and toilet cleaner. Whatever it was, it made my nostrils burn. After an hour spent leaning against a wall, depressed at our surroundings, we went for one last bounce around on the dance floor. It was enjoyable until someone landed on my toe. I limped off to Hillbilly's (the quiet one).

It was there that I was introduced to hillbilly's "gravy" that I was told so much about. It looked more like mashed potato with gravy on top, it was so thick. My friend added a packet of salt to the mix. I don't know how she put it away. I could taste it by just looking at it. One drive home later, I conked out in bed.

Not the best thursday ever.

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